Freedom or Responsibility?

Ken Wylie Engaging in Gaining Consciousness Through Discernment. Photo: John Burcham.

In my lifetime, I have gone to hazardous places in pursuit of an idea I had about freedom. But I see things differently now. Today I see that I was drawn to chaotic environments to continue the work of consciousness through discernment that generations of humans before me made. There have been costs. All I can say is that I believe learning has and continues to occur which is what this journey is about.

Over the past three years (especially) we have participated in a global society that is grappling with some very big problems. One issue is that we are battling each other around notions of freedom and responsibility. This wrestling match is bigger than my or your personal freedoms. It is about the responsibility of gaining consciousness through discernment; trusting our own senses to make choices that build into the health and well being of ourselves, our communities and our society by following natures laws.

To be able to recognize hazards to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being is something that human beings throughout history needed to make in order to survive. Through climbing ice, I entered potentially dangerous places to navigate through, building on the skills gained by a thousand generations of humans before me. This process is best when it is NOT motivated by fear, but rather the cultivation of courage; physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual courage.

To give that up to follow the hazardous demands of deceptive and hubristic leaders is a betrayal to all of the human beings that grappled to make gains with the challenge of consciousness through discernment in the past. To follow and obey out of fear is a terrible fate for humanity. A fate that undermines everything we have worked toward, because there is way more in store for humanity and we have a responsibility to elevate our consciousness to its highest potential.

Our responsibility is to craft a society where the goal is to elevate consciousness, not annihilate it. Be curious, be okay with being wrong, and most of all, allow yourself to be guided by forces that are beyond words and description (spirit) and not the dictates of the tyrannical.

Well done to all who have been blessed by this vision and have had the courage to follow it and lead others.

If you wish to learn more about elevating choices contact me at

Triple Peaks Vancouver Island Photo: Ken Wylie


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